Up, packed, and breakfasted, off we set at 09:00. The day starts with a manic steep descent through town, back the way we arrived yesterday. It's like living in a video game! The steep descent continued for 16km weaving around the contours of the valley side, careering round hairpins and affording hazy but magnificent views. The road was protected with random sections of Armco and random sections of concrete blocks and the rest was just, well, open to the drop. And boy was it a drop! The air was cool so all the riders had layers donned as not much pedalling energy was expended. The road then started to climb in the same manner varying in width from single track to a bit more than single track. I exaggerate. It was really almost 2-way in places. We had a refreshment stop at the top of the hill at 24km (1750m) and all were coping with the 8km undulating climb, helped by the cooler temperatures. Anne even spotted a Common Green Forest Lizard, a species, unsurprisingly, common in these parts.
Traffic was light(ish) (for India) but the buses and trucks were a challenge (Anne said not for cyclists, but it sure was for us in the bus). Oncoming traffic in the middle of the road round blind bends was normal, it was oncoming cars and motorcycles on our side of the road that were the scary ones! It was a wild, white-knuckled descent for an amazing 28km from the stop, again with precipitous drops, and was almost impossible to stay ahead of the riders. Hairpin after hairpin challenged life itself and piles of rockfall debris added to the excitement. This was followed by a long level section where we tried to get ahead of the lead riders. In such circumstances the group had strung out so we had a stop with just 6km to go to regroup before riding into the heat of Palani at 320m. It's around 34C outside! It was a truly awesome ride both in the bus, but especially in the saddle. Riding myself still feels a long way off. Walking unaided would sure be nice. Little by little things are improving but I still can't bear weight on left side.
Anyway, we checked into the hotel had lunch and changed then headed for the "Rope Car". We couldn't get there by minibus so we all piled into tuktuks, 6 at a time! When we got to the funicular we realised that we all had to take off our shoes and walk barefoot on the street in the queue which would take an hour before joining a tour that could take 3 hours. Nope. A line has been crossed. Look at the ground! My feet are not equipped to walk barefoot in that filth ... with crutches. And it's 18:30 already! And we haven't had tea. Leroy and I baled, quickly followed by everyone else! We had an intriguing walk back of 800m (on crutches too!) through the crowds and the stalls and the pilgrims and the noise and even a deafening dance troop. Far better entertainment. And I feel the walk has done me good. Still can't put any weight on left leg though.
And Anne cycled 40 miles today, and loved it.
p.s. the bus pic is the most modern bus yet seen. It's decorated with heart-shaped wreath of balloons for Valentines Day. For the purposes of balance, I'll include a more typical bus pic later.